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The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on December 9, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on December 9, 2019

  The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on December 9, 2019
  1. "In this "game" the dirtiest methods could be used'
  In the miniature "The Story about interest in the Bureya theme on November 27, 2019" we told about the unsuccessful attempts to find information about the cancellation (or on recognition as the not active) of the resolution of the Governor of the Khabarovsk territory of 19.01.2019 No. 38-рп.
  This resolution was about to the introduction of an emergency regime within the boundaries of the Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk Krai "in connection with the landslide on the Bureya reservoir (Bureya river)".
  At the time, information about the introduction of this emergency situation and the adoption of this resolution was widely distributed by various news agencies and the media.
  Further, more or less constantly, this emergency was reported on the website of the Federal water resources Agency.
  But in November 19, 2019, the relevant information was available on this site, and already on November 20, 2019 and later it is somehow not possible to find it.
  It is clear that everyone is a busy people, and-why bother with this topic...
  Of course, there was a moment - there were doubts.
  Why is such attention to the resettlement of the ancient Chekunda (located in the Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk Krai)? - Not because of 300 million budget rubles?
  The place is very good - if to believe a descriptions. The river, the forest. A fresh air, a views.
  They say that now Chinese tourism is very developing ... Relatively close - the railway branch. And the military engineers paved the way for the delivery of goods to the place of work... there is also a waterway - along the Bureya River from the Amur River, but the dams of the hydroelectric power station create certain obstacles.
  For the life of ordinary Russial citizens, Chekunda may not be the most comfortable place (although why should the authorities of the Khabarovsk Krai not to increase their attention to issue of comfortness of living in Chekunda?).
  While, so far, there problems are ... But if to resettle, to relocate the residents, - so a many infrastructure facilities will remain.... Power lines? The abandoned airfield.... The road?
  If you will invest capital (not only - a Chinese one) ... If to make an advertising... a great place...
  A semi-fantastic logical chain was built in thoughts. Of course, it's an unproven ... The deductive method in the style of Sherlock Holmes ...
  Emergency regime - the relocation- the further use of a nice place.
  December 9, 2019 again the flow of information.
  "In Khabarovsk denied the data on the call of the Governor for questioning."
  Again (December 9, 2019) we make attempts to find
  (1) through search engines and
  (2) on the websites of "Resolutions of the Governor of the Khabarovsk Krai" (https://laws.khv.gov.ru/ListDoc.aspx?C=1) and "Orders of the Governor of the Khabarovsk Krai" (https://laws.khv.gov.ru/ListDoc.aspx?C=2)
  an information on the cancellation (on recognition as the not active) of the resolution of the Governor of the Khabarovsk territory of 19.01.2019 No. 38-рп.
  Somehow, it wasn't achieved...
  Maybe somewhere there is a necessary decision - in the appendixes-notes? (And the appendixes-applications-notes are not always published?).
  Let's say we (so happened) did not find it. But really, nor one news agency, nor one media would report?......
  But there is no information.
  But, nevertheless, on the website of the DVHAB.ru Agency we find an interesting phrase "the most dirty methods could be used in this "game"" https://www.dvnovosti.ru/khab/2019/12/09/108014/#ixzz67ayqCdig .
  This phrase does not apply to the cancellation of emergency mode. Nothing wrong - nothing bad. Just a month and ten days later, the aforementioned resolution of 19.01.2019 will have a one a whole year history...
  December 9, 2019 11:16
  Translation from Russian into English: December 9, 2019 17:55.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Рассказ об интересе к Бурейской теме 9 декабря 2019 г.'.
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