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The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on March 19, 2019

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    The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on March 19, 2019

  The Story about interest in the Novaya Zemlya and to polar bears on March 19, 2019
  1. Ecological context.
  f t g
  A group of prominent global citizens have signed a letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin encouraging the government to rehabilitate and release 10 orcas and more than 80 beluga whales now kept in inadequate sea pens in the "Whale Jail" in Srednyaya Bay, near the east coast city of Nakhodka.
  The letter is signed by Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Dr. Jane Goodall, Sir Richard Branson, business leaders Tom Gruber and David Shaw, actors including Pamela Anderson, Mark Ruffalo, and Holly Marie Combs, and musicians Jackson Browne and Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart. More than three-dozen international and Russian leaders, actors, filmmakers, supermodels, and artists have signed.
  Mark J. Palmer, of the International Marine Mammal Project (IMMP) of Earth Island Institute, stated: "We are very pleased at this tremendous outpouring of support for the orcas and beluga whales in Russia. We hope we and other groups can help the Russian government safely return these whales to their home waters."
  First, the group thanks the Russian government for steps taken to protect the whales. The group letter further encourages the Russian government to immediately make improvements to the existing holding facility, which has pens that are too small and poor water quality that is harming the health of the whales and to return the orcas and beluga whales to the ocean location where they were captured last summer.
  The citizens request that the government work with Russian non-governmental organizations and international experts with experience in rehabilitating and releasing captive orcas and beluga whales back to the ocean.
  The orcas and beluga whales were captured last summer for sale to aquariums in China, in violation of Russian laws that specify that captures should be for educational or scientific purposes, not export for millions of dollars to the growing Chinese captivity entertainment industry.
  IMMP thanks these citizens as well as the many organizations and individuals working to free the Russian whales and return them to their home territories, to rejoin their families.
  # # # # #
  President Vladimir Putin
  Russian Federation
  23, Ulitsa Ilyinka,
  103132, Moscow, Russia
  17 March, 2019
  Dear President Putin,
   We are writing to thank you and the Russian government for steps taken to protect 80+ beluga whales and 10 orcas now held in inadequate conditions in Srednyaya Bay, near the east coast city of Nakhodka.
   We commend the action you have taken so far to block the export of these amazing beings to dolphinariums in other countries, as whales and dolphins do not cope well with captivity. We further commend you and your government for not approving new capture permits for 2019, and fully support the Russian initiative to implement a permanent ban on capture of Russian orcas and beluga whales. Such an action would prevent the horrible situation playing out in the Far East from happening ever again.
   We would like to ask you to take several important steps for the welfare of the remaining whales in the sea pens. We cannot stress enough that the lives of these whales are in danger, and they need immediate help. Please consider expanding their current sea pens in size and/or building additional enclosures to reduce the number of animals per pen and introducing insulation and warming protocols to prevent ice from forming in the enclosures. These steps are critical for the whales" survival.
   We further ask you and the Russian government, in consultation with Russian scientists and Russian non-governmental organizations, to plan to return the orcas and beluga whales to the Sea of Okhotsk and their birth populations when feasible. There are many international scientists and experts as well who have extensive expertise in successfully rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing orcas to the wild, such as Keiko, Springer and many others. International experts will be happy to provide their help to Russian colleagues with rehabilitation and release of the orcas and belugas back into the wild.
  This is an important moment for Russia on the world stage. The world is waiting for a happy ending in this tragic and unfortunate situation. Thank you again for all that you have done, and please take action to protect these magnificent Russian whales!
   Pamela Anderson
   Yuliya Aug
   Wendy Benchley
   Co-Founder, Peter Benchley Ocean Awards
   Member, WildAid Board of Directors
   Sir Richard Branson
   Founder and Chairman, Virgin Group
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Jackson Browne
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Tom Campbell
   Cinematographer, Producer, Director
   Susan Casey
   Bestselling Author, Voices from the Ocean
   Former Editor-in-Chief, O Magazine
   Gregory Colbert
   Artist, Creator of Ashes and Snow
   Holly Marie Combs
   Celine S. Cousteau
   Filmmaker, Environmentalist
   Jean-Michel Cousteau
   Chairman and President, Ocean Futures Society
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Gabriela Cowperthwaite
   Director, Blackfish
   Beth Davidow
   Cinematographer, Filmmaker, Author
   Kristin Davis
   Actor, Environmentalist
   Saba Douglas-Hamilton
   Television Presenter, Wildlife Conservationist
   Sylvia Earle, PhD
   National Geographic Explorer in Residence
   Founder, Mission Blue
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE
   Founder, Jane Goodall Institute
   UN Messenger of Peace
   Adrian Grenier
   Actor, Director, Producer
   Tom Gruber
   Co-Founder of Siri Inc.
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Sati Kazanova
   Graeme Kelleher
   Former Chairman and CEO, Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Yuri Kolokolnikov
   Doutzen Kroes
   Supermodel, Actor, Environmentalist
   Ilya Lagutenko
   Musician, Mumiy Troll
   Founder of VROX.org Festival
   Kate Mara
   Eli Martinez
   International TV presenter, Environmentalist
   Founder of Shark Diver Magazine
   Rinal Mukhametov
   Leilani Münter
   Race Car Driver, Environmentalist
   Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Edward Norton Jr.
   Hayden Panettiere
   Prof. Bertrand Piccard
   Chair, Solar Impulse Foundation
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Louie Psihoyos
   Executive Director, Oceanic Preservation Society
   Director, The Cove
   Mark Ruffalo
   Actor, Environmentalist
   David Shaw
   Manager, Black Point Group
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Robert Talbot
   Film Maker, Photographer
   Anne-Marie van Dijk
   International Model
   Natalia Vodianova
   Supermodel, Elbi Founder
   Captain Don Walsh, PhD
   USN (Ret)
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Bob Weir
   Member, Ocean Elders
   Maisie Williams
   Actor, Environmentalist
   Ann Wilson
   Musician, Heart
   Nancy Wilson
   Musician, Heart
   Olga Zueva
   Filmmaker" [http://savedolphins.eii.org/news/entry/breaking-news-prominent-global-citizens-urge-russia-to-free-the-whale-jail]
  The comment.
  Why ANY [not at least one] marine animal from "whale prison" is until now not set free [not released]?
  March 19, 2019 07:52
  Translation from Russian into English: March 19, 2019 08:06.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к Новой Земле и к белым медведям 19 марта 2019 г.".
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