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The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela in the evening on March 16, 2019

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    The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela in the evening on March 16, 2019

  The Story about the interest in the events in Venezuela in the evening on March 16, 2019
  1. New and powerful changes.
  Maduro promised "powerful" changes in work of the government of Venezuela
  MEXICO CITY, 16 Mar - RIA Novosti. The president of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro promised "powerful" changes in work of the government of the country on Friday.
  "I will declare new and powerful changes in methods of work of the national government soon. I am able to read signals of historical time and I know that it is necessary to deepen work of the government of changes, the national government, government which goes with people, the government which solves problems of power supply, health care, education, food which carries out "Great missions" (a set of special social programs - an edition)", - Maduro said. His performance is broadcast in Periscope. (...)" []
  2. Great Venezuelan Blackout.
  Blackout for [the Venezuelan state] power
  The situation in Venezuela is close to catastrophic. The days of the Maduro regime seem to be numbered
  Alexander Zotin
  For a week Venezuela has been living without electricity. The blackout caused problems with the water supply - the people of Caracas are lined up in the usual chavismo in the queue - this time to the Creek guairá. The capital of the country is turning into one big decoration for post-apocalyptic films.
  In the largest city in the North-West of the country, Maracaibo, angry crowds devastate shops. However, the latter themselves distribute perishable products. But the price of ice cubes jumped to the sky-many need a low temperature to store medicines.In city hospitals patients die. Venezuela, which has been on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe for several years, is slipping into it before our eyes.
  But the same capital of the oil industry Maracaibo was the second city in Latin America, where there was street lighting, back in 1888.
  After the accident on 7 March at the country's largest hydroelectric power plant, Guri, which gave three-quarters of all electricity, the supply in most regions has been restored only partially.
  The authorities habitually wrote off blackout for diversion and cyber attack from the USA. Senator Marco Rubio, one of leaders of the Latin American diaspora in the United States and the tough opponent of Chávezism, joked that, probably, pressed not that button on the smartphone...
  The opposition claims that fault to all the fire on the distributive line between the Guri and the center of energy separation Malena. Underinvestment, theft and flight of professionals from the energy state monopoly Corpoelec - a thing long familiar, so nothing surprising happened.
  The version of the opposition looks more plausible at least because blackouts, albeit of a smaller scale, are commonplace for the country. In any case, since the nationalization and merger of the largest energy companies by Chavez in 2007, Chavez set low, purely symbolic prices for electricity. As a result, consumption increased sharply (for example, in Colombia it is three times lower per capita). Almost free resource there is no need to save. And there is no need to invest in infrastructure maintenance. Plus incompetent management. The result-permanent blackouts and the need to use diesel generators in shops, schools and hospitals.
  A major energy crisis occurred in 2010, then power outages only increased in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018...
  More than 8 million barrels of the Venezuelan oil are on tankers in the Gulf of Mexico now - they simply could not be sold. Secondly, dilution of the Venezuelan grades of heavy oil requires extralight oil which was generally bought from the same USA earlier. Now this option is blocked because of sanctions too.
  And without money from oil export Chávezists will have nothing to bribe the poor. Still on an oil rent (more precisely, on its not plundered part) the mode bought the food packages distributed on poor areas by committees of supply and production (Consejo Local de Abastecimiento y Produccion - CLAP). There will be no petrodollars - there will be no CLAP packages. There will be no motivation (already weak) to support the Maduro regime.
  But problems are not limited to blackout and sharp reduction of a stream of petrodollars.
  After blackout there can come also large-scale fuel crisis. Venezuela gasoline buys in the USA too. Chávezists put the oil refineries out of almost same commission, as well as [earlier] the Guri's hydroelectric power station. Up to 50% of all gasoline consumed in Venezuela is the American gasoline. Now these deliveries are stopped. There are enough still old stocks, but they will end soon. But before the sanctions, gasoline was in acute shortage. What will be when the shortage of fuel becomes catastrophic, it is difficult to present. It is necessary only to wish to the people of Venezuela that the price of disposal of Chávezism, already already huge, did not grow even more." []
  16:20 on March 14
  The correspondent of Metro visited Caracas
  ... ordinary Venezuelans developed own methods for survival without electricity and water.
  ... perishable goods distributed free of charge,
  food was cooked on a camp fires,
  and water was extracted ... from wells and [natural] sources.
  "I have a family, three grandsons, they should be fed. Returned me power to the house on Sunday, but everything works with interruptions, six times were already disconnected. Therefore I am forced to go behind water to the channel", - 62-year-old Rozeliya Kevedo, the teacher (woman) on pension from the northern district of Caracas told.
  The 47-year-old electrician Luís Rojas told how his life changed:
  "Several years I cannot already save up anything, I cannot buy the house, members of my family were forced to leave. My brothers and the daughter now in Argentina. My mother died as there were no drugs for treatment of diabetes. I work every day and every day I receive less money. As for blackout, I am not sure that power supply returned for a long time".
  We communicate with Rojas in line - people wait when their turn comes to gather in containers water from a source.
  "Here it is possible to gather water, but nobody is confident in its quality. I am forced to go behind water for already several months, interruptions in giving happened earlier"." []
  3. Humanity, generosity, sympathy and nobility.
  Russia will consider a request of Venezuela for the help in restoration of power supply system
  16.03.2019 16:36
  ... the ambassador [The Russian ambassador in Venezuela Vladimir Zayemsky] paid attention that the legitimate head of state Nicolás Maduro founded the special commission for investigation of causes of accident which happened on the hydroelectric power station of El-Guri, most powerful in the country. At the same time the president of Venezuela asked the Russian side for the help in coordination of work of members of the commission.
  The diplomat told that now the government of the Latin American country form a position concerning the major tasks requiring the immediate solution in this sphere. Also Venezuelan authorities define what help from the outside will be required for this purpose. As soon as the application is made and concretized, Moscow will start its consideration...."
  The comments.
  1. In the current news it was not succeeded to find information concerning the subway in Caracas.
  2. Dear Rossiysky the ambassador in Venezuela Vladimir Zayemsky generously directs a thought of the Russian and world community to a subject of the possible help from Russia to Venezuela. It looks loftily and nobly.
  Yes, indeed, sympathy [desire, aspiration to help] is the quality of many "ordinary" people living in Russia. But at ordinary people now not easy with finance (a social benefits ... you know. The general debt on the credits grows. There were some problems with the statistics. One by one there are unprecedented news about the attitude of mothers towards children. In General, news about the relationship between the next of kin [news about relationship of the immediate family ] )...
  So: who will finance that a potential help to which dear ambassador Vladimir Zayemsky directs a thought of the Russian and world community?
  March 16, 2019 19:57
  Translation from Russian into English: March 17, 2019 05:24.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ об интересе к событиям в Венесуэле вечером 16 марта 2019 года".
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