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The Story how Vanya Zhukov wrote the analytical article about the North African crisis

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    The Story how Vanya Zhukov wrote the analytical article about the North African crisis

  The Story how Vanya Zhukov wrote the analytical article about the North African crisis
  Vanya Zhukov took the garbage bags to the dumpster and went outside.
  He walked a few blocks, wondering how to proceed.
  A car pulled up beside him. A car glass fell. Vanya saw the face of the great diplomat.
  The great diplomat told Vanya with the disappointment:
  - The real writers work day and night. Remember great Russian writers.
  Vanya lowered his head sadly. He could not do literary work day and night.
  - You are waited by good work, - the diplomat reported. The North African crisis was included into a sharp phase. The moment came to write analytical article. Get into the car.
  Vanya hesitated. There was a wish to have a rest.
  - Do not forget about the non-paid debt, - diplomat advised. - The identy card of the member of literary association for a dubious character can not be restored.
  Vanya got into the car. Soon they with the diplomat were going along the corridor of the office building.
  The diplomat placed Vanya in the room near the office. There were the computer with Internet connection and the printer, a TV and the radio receiver. Besides, there was a cup of tea on a saucer. Also there was one a cookie on the saucer.
  - You can eat if you get hungry, - the diplomat generously told Vanya. - But generally the most effective work - on a hungry stomach.
  Nevertheless, Vanya ate the cookies and drank tea. Hunger did not disappear. But Vanya quickly wrote an article and came with the text to the diplomat's office.
  The diplomat quickly read the text of the analytical article and expressed his disappointment:
  - First, as always, it is written with great delay. Secondly...
  The look of the diplomat lingered on Vanya.
  At last, he offered:
  - You to go eat, and come in 30 minutes.
  Vanya clapped himself upon a pocket, evidently demonstrating a financial situation.
  - Then just walk and come in 30 minutes, - the diplomat specified.
  Vanya breathed fresh air and in half an hour entered the diplomat's office again.
  In a chair near the diplomat the stranger in a military uniform of color of sand from the desert sat. Near the person there was a huge sports bag.
  - Where your certificate received during the trip to North Africa? - unexpectedly the diplomat asked.
  Vanya took out the certificate from a breast pocket. The diplomat gave a hand for the certificate.
  Vanya gave the certificate to the diplomat.
  The diplomat put the certificate before himself on a surface of a table and turned the head to the person in a military uniform of sand color.
  The person in the uniform got up from a chair, opened a bag and poured out on a table of the diplomat directly on the certificate belonging to Vanya, the small mountain of packs with hundred-dollar notes.
  Vanya did not see such quantity of money.
  The diplomat over the mountain of hundred-dollar packs looked at Vanya.
  Having understood that the effect is reached, the diplomat took Vanya's text and began to reflect aloud:
  - Elections are not possible owing to a situation... How to create the government that it had signs of legitimacy even if it is necessary to do without elections? The government of the prime minister is created under the auspices of the UN. The government is attacked by armed groups... The government has few forces. But the government can threaten the armed groups... What to threaten with? To threaten with international legal prosecution. Besides, the government has aviation. Aviation is able to strike at the advancing troops and stop their advance.
  On the face of the diplomat expression of the greatest thoughtfulness appeared.
  He absently placed the text on a mountain of hundred-dollar bundles.
  The man in uniform got up and began to put money back into the huge bag. In a bag appeared also analytical article with the Vanya's text.
  Soon on a table only the certificate lay.
  The diplomat sadly looked at the certificate and commented:
  - The aircrafts struck blows to the coming groups. Besides, explained to these groups that they will be responsible for approach. The attack stopped...
  The diplomat folded the certificate and politely returned it to Vanya.
  Vanya put the certificate in a breast pocket of a shirt and in embarrassment asked:
  - What to do?
  - To write the new text, - the diplomat philosophically told.
  Been confused a little, Vanya returned to the room with a computer connected to the Internet, a printer, a TV and a radio.
  The cup was the same - without tea and without cookies.
  Having thought several minutes, Vanya wrote the new text.
  With the new text it entered the diplomat's office.
  The military man in the office was not. Vanya anxiously looked round an office.
  - He'll come again. When will take the capital, - the diplomat explained.
  Then he took sheets with the Vanya's text, began to read them and to express aloud the opinion:
  - The destruction of Carthage caused a crisis of state structures... Not everyone knows about Carthage. But everyone knows about Julius Caesar and the politics of Rome. Julius Caesar is known to all. (To shake the dust of the annals? - was Caesar in Tripoli?). With this history ... ... to declare someone guilty ... ... unilaterally ... this is obviously wrong... Armed groups are advancing, but political contacts are maintained with the all political forces. Therefore, there is no need to worry. The use of aircrafts against the advancing armed groups - it's a clear escalation...
  The diplomat paused.
  - The couple of words from your text can it is useful... If they will take the capital, then your certificate will be a real security... Let's look, we will look... And now you can be free. Tomorrow we will meet. Now I have urgent affairs...
  Vanya walked down the street and was amazed: "What friends he has - with a lot of money!"Everything is clear: the capital - in the morning, money - in the evening." "But everything is questionable..." "So, it is necessary to work..." "Tomorrow, tomorrow..."With him, I will become truly rich!"A great man!"
  Vanya, inspired by dreams, in rubber beach Slippers, received at the end of the visit to North Africa, cheerfully walked along the city street.
  April 6, 2019 23:31
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