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The technical intelligentsia, which is trembling three times stronger. The sketch

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    The technical intelligentsia, which is trembling three times stronger. The sketch.

  The technical intelligentsia, which is trembling three times stronger. The sketch.
  In the USSR, there were some rules and traditions of career growth when applicant taking up posts in the economic sphere.
  For example, the candidate was supposed to have:
  - Education,
  - practical experience,
  - More or less consistent ascent along career ladder ...
  As a result, people with a more or less high level of technical culture were coming to higher economic posts.
  A persons with a some cultural level has a mutual understanding with other cultural figures.
  What practical significance did this have?
  Technical safety requirements were perceived with more or less benevolence and, in general, with understanding. In this particular topic, the moving of profits as an indicator to the second, third or fourth ... position, place, row even had some positive significance.
  So the upper, middle and lower layers of the technical intelligentsia (and levels of economic management) were in some harmony and understood each other when was a talk about a technical security.
  A very different situation arose when to the positions of so-called effective top managers began to come people without technical culture, without proper experience, but with connections and administrative and legal invulnerability.
  The middle and lower strata of the technical intelligentsia could only tremble and hope to hold out until retirement without accidents and layoffs. A talking about a technical safety, like talking about a technical culture in general, is not as entertaining as talking about elite leisure, about variety (sports) and about other entertainments ... And irritation can turn into a click of a finger and dismissal at a pre-retirement age.
  But, it is said that now ends the period of effect (activity) of many means of production. Many of them were created in the 70s of the 20th century and are designed for approximately 50 years of operation.
  In addition, due to climate change, many standards and rules of urban planning, of architectural and construction, of technical base need to be adjusted (and who will revise them? Outstanding sports talents and sports figures?).
  The louder the accidents and disasters noise, the more the desire to direct the arrows to the middle and lower layer of the technical intelligentsia - to demand from them a response: why were the technical safety requirements not met?
  And what can they answer? To point by finger onto an invulnerable people? It is better to be silent and cherishing hope for the microscopic gratitude of great people for silence ...
  It is only natural that if previously the middle and lower layers of the technical intelligentsia were trembling, hoping and waiting for a pension, now they are starting to tremble three times stronger ...
  June 10, 2020 15:03
  Translation from Russian into English: June 10, 2020 20:36.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Техническая интеллигенция, дрожащая в три раза сильнее. Скетч".
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