Red revolutionary military trousers. Vasily Lanovoy, the creators of the world's first vaccine against coronavirus, the authors of the Immortal Regiment project ... A note about loyalty, morality, health, and a criminal sub-culture
Аннотация: Red revolutionary military trousers. Vasily Lanovoy, the creators of the world's first vaccine against coronavirus, the authors of the Immortal Regiment project ... A note about loyalty, morality, health, and a criminal sub-culture.
Red revolutionary military trousers. Vasily Lanovoy, the creators of the world's first vaccine against coronavirus, the authors of the Immortal Regiment project ... A note about loyalty, morality, health, and a criminal sub-culture.
'MOSCOW, January 28 [2021]. / TASS /. People's Artist of the USSR Vasily Lanovoy, who was previously hospitalized with coronavirus, died at the age of 87. This was reported to TASS on Thursday by his wife, actress Irina Kupchenko. (...)
On January 2, it became known that 87-year-old Vasily Lanovoy and his wife Irina Kupchenko had a coronavirus. Taking into account the actor's age, it was decided to be hospitalized. Lanovoy had a lesion of 5% of his lungs and was diagnosed with pneumonia. " [unofficial translation] (
Earlier we discussed the issue of awards and rewards. We put different people in the spotlight, including the creators of the world's first vaccine against coronavirus ...
For example,
[MDCXLVI.] "Heroes of the world's first vaccine. A sketch about the history of science." (August 15, 2020),
[MDCLIX.] 'People of success. A list of personnel reserve instead of the list of creators of the world's first vaccine? A sketch." (August 20, 2020),
[MDCCXXV.] 'The awarding of 20 people for the fight against coronavirus and a some questions. The note." (September 22, 2020).
But not only the creators of the world's first vaccine against coronavirus were in the scope of our consideration, but also, for example, the authors of social projects: of the project of bicycle parades in Moscow, of the Immortal Regiment project ...
Here is what we wrote in the miniature "The awarding of 20 people for the fight against coronavirus and a some questions":
'... We looked at Wikipedia: have the authors of the idea, as well as creators of the "Immortal Regiment" project been awarded? We often hear about this project ... We looked a little, but did not find a clear information on this topic ...
"The author of the idea was the famous Rostov stage director Yulia Sinelnikova." (Rossiyskaya Gazeta - Week - South of Russia No. 96 (7262). 05/04/2017. "Immortal Regiment" was born on the Don [region]. For the first time portraits of front-line soldiers were carried along Tatsinskaya [stanitsa] in May 1981. Text: Irina Aroyan. Https:// 2017/05/04 / na-donu-rasskazali-o-rozhdenii-idei-bessmertnogo-polka.html)
'- In 2015, TEFI was no longer awarded to you. The Orpheus statuette was received by the actor Vasily Lanovoy and for some reason the TV Center channel ... " " We had an agreement that the personal PR of officials under the guise of the "Regiment" not allowed! " (Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 26.08.2015. Sergei Lapenkov: The Immortal Regiment is an absolutely personal story. Text: Vladimir Nordvik (City of Tomsk). Https://
In general, there are many questions related to the awards and to the informing of the population about these awards ..."
A racketeering has different forms - not only the most primitive, but also more sophisticated (Karabases-Barabases try to hide in the dark, pulling the strings attached to the puppets ...).
Influential people may try to squeeze a project (or the other property) off away ...
And if those who deserve the award are not rewarded (in a manner of a keeping of a silence ) - is this a kind of racketeering?
Or the rewarding (both a right and a process) it's a private retail store of a state officials?
As for Vasily Lanovoy, he was awarded many times. Both orders and premiums. And honorary titles ... (
"Trofimov's revolutionary military trousers [from the film" Officers "] are not a spectacular invention of the scriptwriters." (
There is no information in his biography ( about the rewarding of Vasily Lanovoy with red revolutionary military trousers. There is no information about Lanovoy's efforts to adequately remunerate the authors of the "Immortal Regiment" project, to reward the creators of the first in the world vaccine against the coronavirus, to defend the principle of "reward for merit" (as opposed to the principle of "loyalty - tribute - favour "), to oppose against "the personal PR of officials under the guise of the "Regiment"", to oppose against mass torture and repression in modern Belarus, in general there is no information about Lanovoy's attention, for example, to such a topic as the modern criminal sub-culture ...
1. One of the heroes of the film "Officers" was awarded with red revolutionary military trousers. Vasily Lanovoy starred in this film.
2. Karabas-Barabas - one of the characters in Tolstoy's fairy tale "the Golden key, or the adventures of Pinocchio"; Karabas-Barabas - is the owner of the puppet theater - of the theater where Pinocchio performed; Pinocchio - the person, the puppet, that papà Carlo made out of a log.
January 29, 2021 02:43
Translation from Russian into English: January 29, 2021 14:51.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Красные революционные шаровары. Василий Лановой, создатели первой в мире вакцины против коронавируса, авторы проекта 'Бессмертный полк'... Заметка о лояльности, о морали, о здоровье, о криминальной суб-культуре'.