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Western sanctions, Gazprombank and news from cash flows. A sketch by an economical volunteer

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDLXXX. Western sanctions, Gazprombank and news from cash flows. A sketch by an economical volunteer. - December 5, 2024.

  Western sanctions, Gazprombank and news from cash flows. A sketch by an economical volunteer.
  Today, as I heard, Volunteer Day is celebrated in Russia.
  Like many others, I want to have a beautiful jacket (with inscriptions and emblems indicating that I am a volunteer), as well as to receive a volunteer badge (from the Rosvolontezh).
  In this regard, I listened to the economic news and decided to prove myself as an economical volunteer: to write this sketch.
  What economic news caught my attention?
  Firstly, the economic growth rates of the global West are not very high. But, on the contrary, Ethiopia is showing tremendous economic growth.
  Secondly, Gazprombank was imposed (additional ?) sanctions (Gazprombank was receiving financial means in connection with the sale of Russia's hydrocarbons). After these sanctions, it is not necessary to send money in connection with the sale of Russiaд hydrocarbons only to Gazprombank.
  And what are the agents of the American (Western) economist Samuelson inventing, who are sitting in intellectual tanks?
  They put forward a version that the underdeveloped economy of the global West has gradually adapted to a market in which there are no Russial hydrocarbons. The volume of consumption of the global West and the volume of global supply of hydrocarbons (net of Russial hydrocarbons) have come into approximate alignment.
  Hostile economical minds draw a parallel between the hypothetical situation in the late 80s - early 90s of the 20th century, when oil prices fell sharply. Due to the fall in oil prices, the USSR's foreign exchange earnings declined sharply. (This version, I note, is very popular, but it is questioned in a number of scientific sources).
  Now, hostile minds are talking not about a drop in foreign exchange earnings, but about a reduction in the sale of hydrocarbons in physical terms.
  Naturally, as an economic volunteer, I must contrast these fictions of the agents of the American (Western) economist Samuelson with the correct view to economic reality.
  Ethiopia (and other countries of the global South and East), which are demonstrating record economic growth, should be put in the spotlight.
  And since the early 2000s, as we well know, Russia has made a turn towards the global South and East. Thus, it should be understood that the growing economies of Ethiopia (and other countries of the global South and East) consume volumes of Russial hydrocarbons, pay for them (using not US dollars but national currencies), and thus, there is a structural restructuring of Russial hydrocarbon supplies.
  Naturally, being far from streams of confidential information, I use the information that I receive from the media. Accordingly, my reasoning may contain inaccuracies. But it is not that important, but the important thing is a general view onto the situation: one should understand the enormous benefits that a turn (from economic cooperation with the underdeveloped countries of the global West to cooperation with the countries of the global South and East) brings.
  I believe that I have outlined quite clearly all the benefits that structural adjustments of hydrocarbon flows bring.
  After the writing of this sketch, I hope to receive both a beautiful jacket with emblems and inscriptions of the volunteer movement and a volunteer badge (from Rosvolontezh).
  December 5, 2024, 21:58
  Translation from Russian into English: December 5, 2024 22:53
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Западные санкции, Газпромбанк и новости от денежных потоков. Очерк экономического волонтёра '.
  { 3609. Западные санкции, Газпромбанк и новости от денежных потоков. Очерк экономического волонтёра. - 5 декабря 2024 г.
  MMMDLXXX. Western sanctions, Gazprombank and news from cash flows. A sketch by an economical volunteer. - December 5, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}
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