Аннотация: The Fairy Tale of Rifled Muskets and of Fighting Experience. Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Сказка о штуцерах и о боевом опыте".
The Fairy Tale of Rifled Muskets and of Fighting Experience
Napoleon III had a high temperature.
The late general de Saint-Arnaud has come to visit the deposed emperor:
- The emperor Nikolay Pavlovich doesn't wish to call You "dear brother"?
- You won't please for all.
- We will test new models of the long-range rifled muskets. New experience ...
- Arms novelties? Yes ..., no one will stop progress ...
- The Crimean war will uplift you on high degree of power and influence.
- Sounds attractively! Generally idea not bad ...
Napoleon III has remembered that during the Crimean war the Marshal of France de Saint-Arnaud has got sick with cholera. He was transported on board of the ship. De Saint-Arnaud has died by the "Bertholet" ship in the sea, on the way to Constantinople, on September 29, 1854.
The temperature was rising.
The last words spoken by Napoleon III in the delirium to the servant were: "Isn't it true that we weren't cowards at Sedan?"
February 23, 2018 07:20
Translation from Russian into English: February 24, 2018 08:06.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сказка о штуцерах и о боевом опыте'.