Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Short Story about three hunters on a halt

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Translation from Russian into English. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ о трёх охотниках на привале".

  The Short Story about three hunters on a halt
  The sun has gone away beyond the horizon. Day came to the end.
  Three hunters came to the edge of the forest one after another.
  They lit a bonfire, prepared tea, and have settled down around a campfire.
  - I have enormous achievements, - one hunter has said. - I will be handed an enormous gold medal soon.
  - And I will be handed an honourable, world famous prize, - the second hunter has said.
  - And I will be invited to the European capital, the most famous people from around the world will bring together, and they will sing me compliments, - the third has spoken.
  From twilight the artist going home has approached a fire:
  - Convincingly sounds. at us not enough are listening to hunters on a halt.
  - Yes!!! - chorus hunters have agreed.
  - What do you want? - the artist has passed to the plans.
  - We want to be called honourable association, - the first hunter has said.
  - To receive every month a salary - not less than that vigorous person, which "Falcon Heavy" in space has launched. To the Mars. What are we worse than him? - the second added.
  - And that in shops on cash desks to us money were given. When we want, and in the amount we want, - the third has spoken..
  - We will begin with the simplest, - the artist has answered. - We convert the picture "Hunters on a Halt" into money. And you get financial support. Are you agree?
  One of hunters has spread hands, having sat down almost to the earth, and has made a movement lips, kind of wanted to speak: "Here to you, grandmother, and St. George's day!" Two others have stood with the directed movements of hands to each other, with the opened mouths, and goggled eyes at each other.
  The artist has waited some time, has said "well, think", and have gone home.
  February 7, 2018 - February 8, 2018.
  Translation from Russian into English: February 8, 2018 09:09. Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рассказ о трёх охотниках на привале".
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