Аннотация: Kudrya, Galenovich, Bogdanov. Reserves of intellectual potential and a prospects. The essay on a collective biography of a typical creative groups.
Kudrya, Galenovich, Bogdanov. Reserves of intellectual potential and a prospects. The essay on a collective biography of a typical creative groups.
Having finished reading the book "Vereshchagin" (by A.I. Kudrya), I decided to get additional information about the author of the book - about Arkady Ivanovich Kudrya.
It turns out he is alive. Probably he is healthy. And we wish him a good health!
Naturally, I could not find out the main thing - how does the huge creative potential of the author (A.I. Kudrya) affect his financial and social position.
According to Sherlock Holmes's methodology, I began to compare a different details from the biography of A.I. Kudrya ...
In the course of this fascinating employment, I found that my thinking moves according to a previously drawn up scheme (in connection with thoughts about the work of Igor Alekseevich Bogdanov, Yuri Mikhailovich Galenovich and other prominent contemporary authors).
The First Step. An understanding of how much work and of what colossal knowledge a writing of a books requires.
If you are not in control of your imagination, then the leaders of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences and of a leading structures of the Ministry of Culture appear in front of your eyes. The leaders are trying not to lose a second. On official cars, with flashing lights and turned on signals, they are going to the author, persistently offering to outstanding authors to occupy the most visible, honorable and important positions in a hierarchical cultural the scientific matrix. Those, of course, refuse - for starters. But persuasion intensifies. And, at last, the authors agree. You ought to sacrifice your time for the good of the country.
In extreme cases, a fantasy offers a such (another) variant of events. A thunder of a fanfares. Authors are invited to a beautiful building. They feel a good attitude (no worse than athletes). A pleasant rewards and more or less substantial amounts (not in cash, of course, but in the form of award documents) ... The authors return home on some "Touaregs..."
This, of course, is fantasy. You need to control your imagination.
What offers a reasonable approach - based on the "rule of reality"?
The Step Two. The 'smart approach' offers the following scheme.
Competent authors in their financial situation rely on relatively insignificant real estate acquired in the Soviet era, or inherited (in total - one or two apartments). Pension is important. (Thanks to the 1936 Constitution!). There may be some other sources of income - not particularly noticeable, although necessary.
About any noticeable fees paid for the written books, about the ability to live and enjoy life, using these fees, - this seems to be out of the question ...
What else does this group of creative people have? Remains of ties and of a status (again, the times of the USSR make themselves felt)? Someone is known in some circles, someone is a member of some kind of "creative organization", glorious during the USSR ...
All this is nice, of course ...
We do not find the "main" thing. Namely - we do not find a DIRECT WAY TO A BUDGET MONEY (TO A BUDGET FLOWS) and a direct way to a persons who can unobtrusively give orders that are binding ...
If we are talking about people who acquired some kind of status during the Soviet era, then, therefore, their age is more or less substantial.
And what is the position of the young authors? Young authors are found, albeit numerically less often - when compared with a mature figures of a creative sphere.
The Step Three. If a something more or less clear can be read about mature authors, then the information about young authors is either not available or is fragmentary (deceptive?).
We have to speculate again (according to the method of Sherlock Holmes). The standard figure of the 'Young Author' is characterized by the fact that he has neither status (status remnants), nor apartments received during the USSR (or inheritance), nor pension.
The young author flounders [floats, makes messy movements] like a frog in an ewer of milk. And if he manages to whip (create) a piece of oil [butter] and get out of this ewer, to escape, not to drown, then he is immensely happy. He is located in some minor inconspicuous position in some kind of creative closet (lumber-room). He, may be, places his works on some Internet sites. Great luck if his work was published in a paper form by any publisher. He is happy that he has passed by a bowl of a semi-criminal character in a big social drama, that he can teach children at school and smile in the evening at his wife. And he is trembling with a sense of danger that he might lose all this because of a careless word or action or behavior ... But hope still lingers in him ... May be a something will change? You need to sit quietly, not to "lean out," and wait for better times ...
The attempt to get acquainted with the biography of Arkady Ivanovich Kudrya, the author of the complex and informative book "Vereshchagin", led to another, next reflection on the typical life algorithms of creative personalities in modern Russia.
The Fourth Step. A summarizing. It seems, that the creative reserves left from tsarist Russia and the USSR are gradually come to an end ... The prospects are foggy ...
Well ... We will read about Vasily Vereshchagin, about other prominent figures of the pre-revolutionary and Soviet past ...
Thanks to Arkady Ivanovich Kudrya for a good book about Vasily Vereshchagin. (Of course, books about the figures of Alaska of the Russian period are interesting, but these books can hardly be compared in terms of volume of a reader's interest with biographies of central figures of Russian culture ...).
May 24, 2020 09:45
Translation from Russian into English: May 24, 2020 10:55.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Кудря, Галенович, Богданов. Резервы интеллектуального потенциала и перспективы. Очерк коллективной биографии типичных творческих групп'.