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Senya, a virtual lunch and a mongrel. A story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Senya, a virtual lunch and a mongrel. A story.

  Senya, a virtual lunch and a mongrel. A story.
  Senya has long wanted to arrange a charity event - something like a memorable lavish lunch.
  But in what format should this event be organized?
  Nowadays, the digital economy is a fashionable concept.
  May be, to organize a digital bank, digital restaurant, a system of digital orders of digital dishes?
  The kids go to a digital bank, take digital money there, then they go to a digital restaurant. There, a system of restaurant orders is ready. Next to each virtual spoon is a virtual gadget. A virtual order is made, a virtual waiter brings virtual dishes ...
  On the day of the virtual charity dinner, the weather turned bad. This even confirmed that Senya was right. Let the kids sit at home and look at the computer monitors.
  Senya went to the window.
  A mongrel was running around the yard.
  First, Senya loves animals.
  Secondly, if the mongrel is running around the yard, then the bad weather is not be able to scare Senya, as well.
  Senya took with him a ring of delicious smoked sausage and went into the yard.
  The mongrel immediately ran to the Senya.
  Having received a ring of delicious sausage, the mongrel began to actively wave its tail.
  Senya called her over and went for a walk around the yard with her.
  During the walk, Senya expressively read Afanasy Fet's verses ("I came to you with greetings..."):
  I came to you with greetings,
  To tell that the Sun has risen
  That the hot light of Sun
  Fluttered along the leaves;
  To tell, that with the same passion,
  Like yesterday, I came again.
  That the soul, as usual,
  To serve you and to happiness is ready;
  To tell, that from everywhere
  A funness fly towards me.
  I don't know, which words I will sing -
  But the song matures.
  Now everyone knows how much Senya loves Russian poetry, how he knows her well!
  May 9, 2021 06:55
  Translation from Russian into English: May 9, 2021 07:47.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Сеня, виртуальный обед и шавка. Рассказ'.
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