Аннотация: The business together with cunning simpletons or The sale of apartments overlooking the Don River. A story from real estate experience.
The business together with cunning simpletons or The sale of apartments overlooking the Don River. A story from real estate experience.
Legal mega processes are dangerous and difficult.
One of the clients of my legal activity was a diversified enterprise, which had partners who paid this enterprise not with money, but with apartments.
A diversified enterprise needed "live" money to pay wages and for other needs. Therefore, the apartments had to be solding.
From time to time, people appeared in the reception room of the director of a diversified enterprise with faces expressing a deepest thoughtfulness. They were real estate people. They took apartments for sale, and for this they received a percentage.
I had nothing against changing the field of activity - from legal processes to move to real estate business.
I proposed the following scheme to the director of a diversified enterprise: he, as it were, 'gives', "transmits" me several apartments for sale (all based on a trust, on a confidence, on a verbal agreement).
I place advertisements, I am engaged in advertising and negotiations with potential buyers of apartments, for this we (I and the enterprise-seller) receive a percentage, which we share in a predetermined proportion.
The director of enterprise looked at me with an incredulous look, as if asking me: do I understand the full depth of the sacrament of selling apartments?
This look might to lead someone to the idea that the director was, in a certain sense, like the other members of the management of the enterprise, a simpleton. During the privatization, the management (on my advice) started buying up the enterprise's shares and acquired a controlling stake. Prior to that, they worked as middle-level managers and workers.
Finally, it dawned on the director: what does he lose? He makes promises, and I begin to act ...
He agreed to my proposal.
I "took", I "got" apartments, placed ads (I had to pay my own money). I responded to phone calls, using the prepared advertising ideas.
I kind of became a realtor, but without a thoughtful face.
Among other options, I promoted apartments overlooking the Don River. Buyers showed interest. If their intention to buy an apartment became real, they received from me the phone number of the director of a diversified enterprise, and then negotiated with him.
I turned out to be even more of a simpleton, than the management of the enterprise.
I did not make a thoughtful and mysterious face. And if I, a person who did not pretend to be mysterious, can sell apartments, then why should the management of the enterprise turn to realtors? Yes, and I - why do they need me?
And why would they need to pay me a pre-agreed percentage?
It turned out that I spend time, energy, money on promoting of 'their' apartments, but I don't get anything for it.
Naturally, my activity in this direction faded.
Due to circumstances, I considered it inappropriate for myself in that particular situation to enter into a conflict and start an investigation. It's just that people 'forgot'... 'That's how the circumstances [apparently] happened...'
Time has passed. All of a sudden I started getting calls from apartment buyers.
For example, a man calls (the buyer of the apartment) - a man with serious intentions and with an evil voice.
He is not happy that he bought an apartment overlooking the Don River (which confirmed the fact - after all, transactions took place, although I did not receive the agreed percentage!), but now a new high-rise and multi-storey building is being built - between his house (and his apartment) and the Don River. Such situation will give the buyer the opportunity to admire not the river and not the river expanses, but other people's windows and other people's walls.
I felt uncomfortable. It smelled of financial claims against me.
I explained to an angry man (with an evil voice and bad intentions), that now I not deal with these issues, that our conversation had no subject.
Apparently, I was not the most significant figure in the whole scheme (purchasing apartments with a view of the Don River) (for buyers).
Moreover, the buyer conducted the final negotiations with the management of a diversified enterprise, and he also paid money to them.
The buyer called me, "spun" around me, but he did not formulate financial claims against me and did not put them forward. Maybe he was waiting for some words from me that he could cling to? ..
To put forward claims against the management of the enterprise? For the buyer it was a difficult task. They gradually strengthened ties with the city leadership and other authorities.
And the city leadership gave permission for the construction of apartment buildings on the banks of the Don River. These were houses with apartments - with a view of the Don River.
Houses were finishing (after construction), apartments were sold. Many people want to have a good view... After that, permits were issued for the construction of new houses - closer to the coastline.
Apparently, the funds received from this scheme were not enough, so the Rostov Botanical Garden had to be taken care of.
I put forward the idea, but in return I received the spending of my time, money, energy, as well as - the experience.
Cunning simpletons got rid of realtors and of me, they started to feel themselves like experts in the field of real estate.
Buyers of apartments with a view of the Don - some of them - received apartments with a view of other people's walls and windows.
The Botanical Garden has lost about half of its territory.
And what was the end (what was the finish) of the cunning simpletons - this package of information is too large for this story.
August 31, 2022, 08:37
Translation from Russian into English: August 31, 2022 09:43.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Бизнес с хитрыми простаками или Продажа квартир с видом на реку Дон. Рассказ из опыта работы в сфере недвижимости'.
{ 3151. Бизнес с хитрыми простаками или Продажа квартир с видом на реку Дон. Рассказ из опыта работы в сфере недвижимости.
MMMCXXII. The business together with cunning simpletons or The sale of apartments overlooking the Don River. A story from real estate experience.
Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}