Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

The Review of the text of the book by A. Volynets "Zhdanov"

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    The Review of the text of the book by A. Volynets "Zhdanov"

The Review of the text of the book by A. Volynets "Zhdanov"

Sergei Sergeevich tried to read the book of A. Volynets "Zhdanov" in full.

"If a review was written based on a half-text, then it is logical to write a review again."

"About the author of the book. The author"s writing abilities are undeniable."

"Now about the book.

The word "Praporshchik" [approximately the first officer rank] in the text occurs 60 times.

"Colonel General" - 16 times.

"Generalissimus" - 1 time.

If there is some discrepancy, I apologize.

Well, what else to say about Sakhalin ..."

October 13, 2019 22:50

Translation from Russian into English: October 13, 2019 23:11. 
Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Рецензия на текст книги А. Волынца "Жданов"".

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